Four Core Exercises Essential for Golfers
A strong core is essential for injury prevention and athletic performance, from head to toe. That’s right, your core affects your body’s function and movement from head to toe. Achieving and maintaining solid core strength can benefit your swing mechanics, increase endurance, and reduce risk of injury (from head to toe!). Many core muscles are firing through your golf swing. Briefly, this includes your glutes, hamstrings, quads, obliques, hip adductors, and abdominal muscles, on your lead and trail side and in varying degrees throughout the phases of the golf swing. Here are 4 essential core exercises for your golf game. Aim to exercise your core twice per week (there is no shame in once per week).
1) Plank
Technique: Neutral spine, butt not sticking up or dipping down, legs straight. Elbows should be directly below your shoulders (the bald dude above is a little off). Work up toward being able to hold in good form for 60 seconds x 3 reps.
Muscles trained include: Rectus abdominis (the “6-pack” muscles), transverse abdominis (a deep abdominal muscle that stabilizes the core and supports the low back, and often weak in the setting of lower back pain), erector spinae, trapezius and rhomboid muscles (upper back muscles), pectorals (chest) and serratus anterior (shoulder stabilizer), rotator cuff, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and iliopsoas (hip flexors).
2) Side Plank
Can hold in this position…
…or perform reps bringing your pelvis up (to a neutral position) and down (close to but not touching the floor)
Technique: As pictured. Head looking straight, elbow directly under the shoulder, neutral spine, straight at the waist, legs straight. Work up toward being able to hold in good form for 60 seconds x 3 sets for the static hold, or 10-12 reps x 3 sets for the dynamic version.
Muscles activated include: Transversus abdominis, hip abductors (gluteus medius and minimus), hip adductors, internal and external obliques, as well as gluteus maximus, quadriceps (quads), and hamstrings.
3) Superman
Technique: As pictured. Lie face down with arms out straight in front of you. Gently raise your arms and legs and extend your spine until knees and hands are about 5 inches off the floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds then lower to the starting position. Aim for 10-12 reps, x3 sets.
Muscles Activated: Perispinal muscles (spine stabilizers and extensors), glut. max., hamstrings, upper traps.
4) Bridges
Can hold a weight at the hips for increased resistance.
Technique: As pictured. Lay flat on your back then bend knees to bring feet close to your butt. Lift your pelvis up until your abdomen, hips and thighs line up. Hole for a second, then take 3-4 seconds to lower your pelvis to the ground. Aim for 12-15 reps x 3 sets.
Muscles activated include: Glutes, hamstrings, obliques, rectus abdominis, iliopsoas (hip flexors), and perispinal muscles.
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Mchardy A, Pollard H. Muscle activity during the golf swing. Br J Sports Med. 2005;39(11):799-804.
Smith MF. The role of physiology in the development of golf performance. Sports Med. 2010;40(8):635-55.